KEA: Adult Vocational Training (AVT)


In order to complete this application, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

**Download or print these instructions for later use.**


Applications are accepted online through this application portal or via drop off, mail, or email.

The AVT Program is designed to provide financial assistance for Kiowa members who are attending/will attend vocational school. AVT students may receive funding for tuition, books, fees, and a bi-weekly subsistence allowance at a fixed rate. If you are looking for assistance with a college/university associate or bachelor program, please use the Higher Education Scholarship Application.

Application Due Dates:   

The Kiowa Education Agency AVT Program does NOT have a deadline, and students may apply before or during their program. However, an application cannot be processed until all documents are turned in. Only completed applications, with all REQUIRED documentation, WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING.

Eligibility Requirements


  • 18 years or older
  • Enrolled Kiowa
  • Live within the Jurisdiction (see next page)
  • Have high school diploma or GED

Client’s School

  • Must be accredited
  • Program must lead to certificate or license (no hobby programs)
  • Does not need to be within Jurisdiction

Application Tasks Included in this Application 

  • Task 1: Complete the Eligibility Screening Questions. You must be able to answer yes to all questions to be eligible for funding. 
  • Task 2: Enter your information into the Personal Information Form. 
  • Task 3: Enter your information into the Emergency Contact Form. 
  • Task 4: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Document to verify your membership. An official copy of this document can be obtained through the Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Office.
  • Task 5: Upload a copy or digital picture of your state identification card or driver's license.
  • Task 6: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Social Security Card. 
  • Task 7: Enter your learning institution's information into the Learning Institution Information Form. 
  • Task 8: Upload a copy of your high school diploma or GED.
  • Task 9: Read and agree to the Student Declaration of Intent and Ethical Behavior. 
  • Task 10: Complete your FERPA Release (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).  We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this form. Federal law protects the privacy of student education records. Without a signed FERPA waiver, KEA staff will not be able to discuss the confidential information contained in your file with the entities who provide funding. 
  • Task 11: Read and agree to the Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Statement.
  • Task 12: Enter your information into the Dependents Form. 
  • Task 13: Provide Personal References.
  • Task 14: Provide a Statement of Intent.  This is a paragraph or video statement written by you, signed and dated, typed or handwritten, stating what your plan of study is, why you need funding, and what the funds will be used for.  
  • Task 15: Enter your information into the Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan.
  • Task 16: Fill out your FAFSA.
  • Task 17: Request a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) FormRequesting an FNA occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Financial Aid office to complete a form that includes your financial data. Grants are awarded using the information provided by your institution on the FNA form. 
  • Task 18: Upload a copy of your completed IRS Form W9. 
  • Task 19: Read and agree to the Student Statement of Understanding. This task requires your understanding and agreement to important information about the KEA and the Adult Vocational Training Scholarship, including eligibility requirements, procedures, and how students retain eligibility.

You are responsible for making sure ALL documentation for your application is complete. 

If further explanation is needed, please contact the Kiowa Education Agency. 

Phone: (405) 648-0916 / Email:


KEA: Adult Vocational Training (AVT)


In order to complete this application, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

**Download or print these instructions for later use.**


Applications are accepted online through this application portal or via drop off, mail, or email.

The AVT Program is designed to provide financial assistance for Kiowa members who are attending/will attend vocational school. AVT students may receive funding for tuition, books, fees, and a bi-weekly subsistence allowance at a fixed rate. If you are looking for assistance with a college/university associate or bachelor program, please use the Higher Education Scholarship Application.

Application Due Dates:   

The Kiowa Education Agency AVT Program does NOT have a deadline, and students may apply before or during their program. However, an application cannot be processed until all documents are turned in. Only completed applications, with all REQUIRED documentation, WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING.

Eligibility Requirements


  • 18 years or older
  • Enrolled Kiowa
  • Live within the Jurisdiction (see next page)
  • Have high school diploma or GED

Client’s School

  • Must be accredited
  • Program must lead to certificate or license (no hobby programs)
  • Does not need to be within Jurisdiction

Application Tasks Included in this Application 

  • Task 1: Complete the Eligibility Screening Questions. You must be able to answer yes to all questions to be eligible for funding. 
  • Task 2: Enter your information into the Personal Information Form. 
  • Task 3: Enter your information into the Emergency Contact Form. 
  • Task 4: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Document to verify your membership. An official copy of this document can be obtained through the Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Office.
  • Task 5: Upload a copy or digital picture of your state identification card or driver's license.
  • Task 6: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Social Security Card. 
  • Task 7: Enter your learning institution's information into the Learning Institution Information Form. 
  • Task 8: Upload a copy of your high school diploma or GED.
  • Task 9: Read and agree to the Student Declaration of Intent and Ethical Behavior. 
  • Task 10: Complete your FERPA Release (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).  We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this form. Federal law protects the privacy of student education records. Without a signed FERPA waiver, KEA staff will not be able to discuss the confidential information contained in your file with the entities who provide funding. 
  • Task 11: Read and agree to the Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Statement.
  • Task 12: Enter your information into the Dependents Form. 
  • Task 13: Provide Personal References.
  • Task 14: Provide a Statement of Intent.  This is a paragraph or video statement written by you, signed and dated, typed or handwritten, stating what your plan of study is, why you need funding, and what the funds will be used for.  
  • Task 15: Enter your information into the Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan.
  • Task 16: Fill out your FAFSA.
  • Task 17: Request a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) FormRequesting an FNA occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Financial Aid office to complete a form that includes your financial data. Grants are awarded using the information provided by your institution on the FNA form. 
  • Task 18: Upload a copy of your completed IRS Form W9. 
  • Task 19: Read and agree to the Student Statement of Understanding. This task requires your understanding and agreement to important information about the KEA and the Adult Vocational Training Scholarship, including eligibility requirements, procedures, and how students retain eligibility.

You are responsible for making sure ALL documentation for your application is complete. 

If further explanation is needed, please contact the Kiowa Education Agency. 

Phone: (405) 648-0916 / Email:

KEA Employment
KEA Adult Programs