KEA: Higher Education Scholarship


In order to complete this application, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

**Download or print these instructions for later use.**


This application is used to apply for supplemental financial assistance to attend a college/university. If you are looking for assistance with a certification program, please use the Adult Vocational Training applicationTo be considered for a grant to attend a college/university, you must complete this application, including providing the supplemental documents listed in the checklist below by the due date

We understand that some documents may not be available from your school immediately. That's okay. We will begin processing your application without them. However, we must have all materials before your application will be fully considered. Please contact us if you have questions.


Application Due Dates:   

  • FALL – JULY 15th.   

Application Submission Requirements

  • You are required to complete an application for each semester you request funding. 
  • If you are transferring to a different university/college, you MUST complete a new application for the school to which you are transferring to receive continued funding.

Application Tasks Included in this Application 

  • Task 1: Complete the Eligibility Screening Questions. You must be able to answer yes to the three questions to be eligible for funding. 
  • Task 2: Provide your Funding Period Information. Mark the term(s) and year(s) for which you intend to requesting funding for the next academic year (fall, spring, summer). Even though you must submit a new application for each semester requested, marking your intended funding requests allows us to send you reminders to complete a new application. 
  • Task 3: Enter your information into the Personal Information Form. 
  • Task 4: Enter your school's information into the College/University Information Form. 
  • Task 5: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Social Security Card. 
  • Task 6: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Document to verify your membership. An official copy of this document can be obtained through the Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Office.
  • Task 7: Read and Agree to the Student Agreement and Statement of Responsibility. This task requires your understanding and agreement to important information about the KEA and the Higher Education Scholarship, including eligibility requirements, procedures, and how students retain eligibility. 
  • Task 8: Complete your FERPA Release (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).  We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this form. Federal law protects the privacy of student education records. Without a signed FERPA waiver, KEA staff will not be able to discuss the confidential information contained in your file with the entities who provide funding. 
  • Task 9: Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). If you have not done so, please complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this application. 
  • Task 10: Read and Agree to the Student Authorization for Verification of Enrollment and Financial Needs Analysis. This task gives permission for your high school or college/University to release your enrollment and financial aid records.
  • Task 11: Request a Verification of Enrollment (VOE). Requesting a VOE occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Registrar’s office to complete a form that includes your total enrolled hours for the term funded. **IN THE EVENT YOUR HOURS CHANGE OR YOU WITHDRAW DURING THE SEMESTER (even after you complete this application), please call our office to update your enrollment hours.
  • Task 12: Request a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) FormRequesting an FNA occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Financial Aid office to complete a form that includes your financial data. Grants are awarded using the information provided by your institution on the FNA form. **NOTE: You must complete the FAFSA before the school can complete the FNA. We are not able to fund you unless you complete your FAFSA and your school completes the FNA.
  • Task 13: Request an Official College/University Transcript to be sent to the KEA. You will need to contact your most recent school and arrange for a copy of your most recent transcript to be sent to the KEA. If you are an incoming new college/university student and have not previously attended college, submit a copy of your High School Diploma.
  • Task 14: Provide a Statement of Intent.  This is a paragraph or video statement written by you, signed and dated, typed or handwritten, stating what your plan of study is, why you need funding, and what the funds will be used for.  If you submit your application after the deadline, you must also include an explanation of why the application is late.
  • Task 15: Complete Student Bio and Upload a Photo (optional). This form and upload provides you an opportunity to tell us a little more about yourself.
  • Task 16: Upload Additional Files (optional). 

Only completed applications with all REQUIRED documentation, WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING.

You are responsible for making sure ALL documentation for your application is complete. 

If further explanation is needed, please contact the Kiowa Education Agency. 

Phone: (405) 648-0916 / Email:


KEA: Higher Education Scholarship


In order to complete this application, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

**Download or print these instructions for later use.**


This application is used to apply for supplemental financial assistance to attend a college/university. If you are looking for assistance with a certification program, please use the Adult Vocational Training applicationTo be considered for a grant to attend a college/university, you must complete this application, including providing the supplemental documents listed in the checklist below by the due date

We understand that some documents may not be available from your school immediately. That's okay. We will begin processing your application without them. However, we must have all materials before your application will be fully considered. Please contact us if you have questions.


Application Due Dates:   

  • FALL – JULY 15th.   

Application Submission Requirements

  • You are required to complete an application for each semester you request funding. 
  • If you are transferring to a different university/college, you MUST complete a new application for the school to which you are transferring to receive continued funding.

Application Tasks Included in this Application 

  • Task 1: Complete the Eligibility Screening Questions. You must be able to answer yes to the three questions to be eligible for funding. 
  • Task 2: Provide your Funding Period Information. Mark the term(s) and year(s) for which you intend to requesting funding for the next academic year (fall, spring, summer). Even though you must submit a new application for each semester requested, marking your intended funding requests allows us to send you reminders to complete a new application. 
  • Task 3: Enter your information into the Personal Information Form. 
  • Task 4: Enter your school's information into the College/University Information Form. 
  • Task 5: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Social Security Card. 
  • Task 6: Upload a copy or digital picture of your Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Document to verify your membership. An official copy of this document can be obtained through the Kiowa Tribal Enrollment Office.
  • Task 7: Read and Agree to the Student Agreement and Statement of Responsibility. This task requires your understanding and agreement to important information about the KEA and the Higher Education Scholarship, including eligibility requirements, procedures, and how students retain eligibility. 
  • Task 8: Complete your FERPA Release (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).  We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this form. Federal law protects the privacy of student education records. Without a signed FERPA waiver, KEA staff will not be able to discuss the confidential information contained in your file with the entities who provide funding. 
  • Task 9: Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). If you have not done so, please complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. We will not be able to fund you unless you complete this application. 
  • Task 10: Read and Agree to the Student Authorization for Verification of Enrollment and Financial Needs Analysis. This task gives permission for your high school or college/University to release your enrollment and financial aid records.
  • Task 11: Request a Verification of Enrollment (VOE). Requesting a VOE occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Registrar’s office to complete a form that includes your total enrolled hours for the term funded. **IN THE EVENT YOUR HOURS CHANGE OR YOU WITHDRAW DURING THE SEMESTER (even after you complete this application), please call our office to update your enrollment hours.
  • Task 12: Request a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) FormRequesting an FNA occurs as part of this application process. Based on the contact information you provide, an invitation will be emailed to your Financial Aid office to complete a form that includes your financial data. Grants are awarded using the information provided by your institution on the FNA form. **NOTE: You must complete the FAFSA before the school can complete the FNA. We are not able to fund you unless you complete your FAFSA and your school completes the FNA.
  • Task 13: Request an Official College/University Transcript to be sent to the KEA. You will need to contact your most recent school and arrange for a copy of your most recent transcript to be sent to the KEA. If you are an incoming new college/university student and have not previously attended college, submit a copy of your High School Diploma.
  • Task 14: Provide a Statement of Intent.  This is a paragraph or video statement written by you, signed and dated, typed or handwritten, stating what your plan of study is, why you need funding, and what the funds will be used for.  If you submit your application after the deadline, you must also include an explanation of why the application is late.
  • Task 15: Complete Student Bio and Upload a Photo (optional). This form and upload provides you an opportunity to tell us a little more about yourself.
  • Task 16: Upload Additional Files (optional). 

Only completed applications with all REQUIRED documentation, WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING.

You are responsible for making sure ALL documentation for your application is complete. 

If further explanation is needed, please contact the Kiowa Education Agency. 

Phone: (405) 648-0916 / Email:

KEA Higher Education