KEA: AVT Timesheet Management


In order to complete your online timesheets, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

Click the Apply button to submit a new timesheet. 

Please remember: 

  • Timesheets must be submitted every 2 weeks. 
  • Timesheets must be verified (verification can be completed through this portal) by your institution/instructor or employment supervisor before we can send funds.

KEA: AVT Timesheet Management


In order to complete your online timesheets, you need to have a free account with Survey Monkey Apply.

  • To make an account, click .Register  in the upper right corner of this page.

  • If you have an account, log-in to return to your portal page.

Click the Apply button to submit a new timesheet. 

Please remember: 

  • Timesheets must be submitted every 2 weeks. 
  • Timesheets must be verified (verification can be completed through this portal) by your institution/instructor or employment supervisor before we can send funds.

KEA Employment
KEA Adult Programs